Please join us for a fun girl's night out! Open House from 5:30-8 pm at the La Quinta Playhouse in Old Town La Quinta!
Discover unique goods and services offered by local artisans & vendors. Complimentary food by Dream Dinners and margaritas by Margarita Madness. Venue hosted by the La Quinta Playhouse. Entertainment by Caroline Dourley and Todd Ashley.
Bring a friend and we'll see you there!
Vendors include: Ashleigh Jessup Designs, Holly's Photo Movies, Lily's Laundry Boutique, Trish McEvoy, Key to Your Closet, Gold Caynon Candles, Uppercase Living, The Pet Mentor, Efusjon, Silpada, Arbonne, Art by Ashley Hackshaw/Lil Blue Boo, and Goddess Glass.
Coordinators: Ashleigh Jessup Designs, Holly's Photo Movies and Lily's Laundry Boutique
If you would like to have your business included in future events, please email Laura at