I love Fourth of July. It's one of my favorites holidays. Especially now that CS has an early July B-Day we will celebrate both. I have started to stock up and look at ALL the great goodies I found at WAL-MART! Yeap! That's right. I ventured in there yesterday and found all this great stuff.
All these items were $5 and under.
Matching suits for the girls. $5 a piece. Holy Moly!
My favorite are the solar lights that you stick in your yard. A must if you are having a party! What a festive entrance you can make with these. Lights 2 for $3!
They have ice molds (that make stars) bowls, cups, pitchers, decorations, glow sticks (fun for the kiddos), towels, beach balls, floats for your pool and more. If you are having a party, go to Wal-Mart. The creative options are endless!