I love this!!!! I found it over at www.2preppygirls.blogspot.com and just think it is so darling.. I have checked out some of the blogs that have joined and they are great! Add your blog or check out some new ones...whatever you choose.
Details: Dangerous heat index. Outdoor exposure should be limited.
So the baby is taking a nap and I made a smoothie with my favorite blender.
It is so easy to use, super easy to clean and makes the best smoothies. They have them at Costco for like $49. Best blender I have found for sauces, baby foods, soups whatever. I sometimes puree mild flavored veggies with this to sneak into Lily's food (she's my picky eater ;)
Blend it up. Takes 30 seconds. Great for snack, breakfast or before/after a workout.
I am sensitive to dairy so try and do everything dairy free but you can use whatever protein you would like. I also limit my sugar so I look for products that have very small amounts of sugars.
This Carolina Craft Table from Pottery Barn Kids is awesome. We have had ours for a couple of years and it gets used multiple times a day. It is not only great for crafts but for dinner time too! It comes with a roll of paper that spreads the size of the table. Perfect for little ones who like to be creative. Reasonably priced at $249 and comes in three shades antique white, honey and espresso. Don't forget the cute chairs at $69.
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Man, I love the US! I think I hit Target 3 times in 12 hours after being back. I love going to the Bahamas but our vacation there is very rustic. Lots of boating, drinking, swimming and island hopping. No shopping, no cell phones and very sparatic internet service. Sometimes the water and power will just go out for hours for no reason. The pay off though is the pure beauty of the islands. Sometimes it is good to be away from all things electonic especially for my hubby who is on the phone 24-7. He needs the break.
There are limitted resturants in Treasure Cay so we cook all of our meals from fish my husband and his twin brother either fish for or spear dive for. Two years ago they were invovled in a shark attack. They were on Discovery Channel's "Shark Week" last year (going to get video and upload it's pretty cool) so they have become more careful. Lots of sharks in the water off Spanish Cay.
I took like 600 plus pictures (ummmm a little too many). It has taken me days to get them upload and sorted out. I am going to post a few of my favs and then a link to Flickr if you want to see some more. I hope everyone is having a great summer with therir families.
P.S. These adorable knit dresses where custom made for the girls by Ashley over at www.LilBlueBoo.Blogspot.com. They are perfect for traveling in...super soft, durable and don't show stains. I picked the Seashores because of the "beachy theme. " Go check her out!