We are just back from a short but busy trip to Florida. It was a whirlwind and W. and I are off to Chicago tomorrow for News Years, so life is busy. We traveled the state in a Toyota minivan. My husband was trying to persuade me it was a cool car...I mean don't get me wrong, it is very functional but I am not a functional type of person I told him look "you married a high heel wearing girl and a minivan to me is more like a good pair of flats."
We started off by going to South Florida where my husband's family lives. First stop was his mothers house. She and her husband are one of the largest orchid growers in the country. Their property is amazing. It is like an orchid wonderland! Lily loves it too because there is so much stuff to do outside. We cruised through the greenhouses, rode on the "Gator," fed all the birds...
Christmas morning we always go to my Grandmother Claire's house and exchange gifts with my Dad's side of the family.
Then everyone comes over to our house for Christmas dinner. We then finished the night off with some sparklers left over from our wedding (8 YEARS AGO.) They still worked and Lily LOVED them.
To Be Continued...
oxoxo, Lily's Laundry
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